
Anxiety and Depression

Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Practice located in Grapevine, TX

Anxiety and Depression
Anxiety and Depression services offered in Grapevine, TX

Anxiety and depression are common problems that can devastate lives. If you develop anxiety or depression symptoms, Katrina Coulter, RN, MSN, APRN, PMHNP-BC, of Psych Investments LLC in Grapevine, Texas, offers expert diagnosis and treatment. She combines medication management with psychotherapy techniques, such as motivational interviewing, to help reduce the misery and distress these conditions cause. Call Psych Investments LLC or book an in-person or telehealth appointment online today to start your journey back from anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and Depression Q & A

What are anxiety and depression?

Anxiety and depression cause despair and misery for millions of people across the United States. Both these emotions are natural and something everyone experiences at times, but they should pass quickly. In some people, anxiety and/or depression are ever-present, becoming serious mental health conditions.

Without treatment, these disorders make life so stressful or unbearable that people struggle to function in daily life. They may isolate themselves at home and be unable to work or participate in leisure activities. As their mental health worsens, people with depression or anxiety may turn to alcohol or drugs and consider suicide.


What symptoms do anxiety and depression cause?

Depression overwhelms you with negative emotions such as sadness, hopelessness, emptiness, worthlessness, and shame. You can’t shake these feelings off, and they typically worsen over time. You might also feel tired, get headaches and random pain, and lose interest in things you once found enjoyable.

Some people with depression sleep excessively, while others get little good quality sleep. Similarly, some people lose interest in food while others overeat for comfort.

Anxiety blends fear, stress, and worry, putting you in a constant state of hypervigilance where you get no peace. If you have generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), everything in life makes you anxious. If you have a phobia, your anxiety focuses on something specific. Social anxiety disorder, for instance, is an intense dread of being with others.

These feelings of anxiety may become so severe you suffer a panic attack. This is where your fear or stress takes over, leaving you helpless. You might tremble, feel nauseated or vomit, sweat excessively, and develop chest pain that mimics a heart attack.


How are anxiety and depression treated?

Katrina uses psychotherapy and medication to help people with anxiety and depression. Medications act on your brain chemistry, increasing neurotransmitter levels to improve function in parts of your brain that regulate mood.

Individual psychotherapy and motivational interviewing techniques help people address the issues causing or worsening their mental health problems.

With cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), Katrina teaches you how to assess your thoughts and emotions so you can challenge the ones that make daily living so difficult. CBT is especially helpful for people with anxiety disorders.

To find out how you can overcome anxiety and depression, call Psych Investments LLC or schedule an in-person or telehealth consultation online today.